Kitchen: Spring 2

Hey everyone!

First off, I’d like to thank Ben for all his effort over the last several games doing an incredible amount of work to keep our kitchen going. Seriously - incredible. The more I hear about the amount of work he did for this game, the more impressed I am. Thank you, Ben.

Second, with Ben deciding to shift his priorities away from kitchen work starting in Spring 2, I’ll be taking over responsibility for making sure you get fed and have the energy to run away from Vigamor or run away from Spriggans or… what? People do things other than run away from fights? Well… you can have energy for that too.

I will need some help immediately before meals and immediately after meals (you can imagine that the first is mostly preparation/taking food out and the second is mostly dishes), as well as at various times throughout the event as I am pulled away for lessons or mods or plot or whatever.

Please let me know if you’d be interested in helping out and in what capacity, and we can figure out times that would work best for you. You can reach me at

Thanks, and I’ll see you in Oak Harbour in a few weeks!

Brian Misamore

People have asked me about rewards for kitchen help. Our rewards system is as follows:

  • 1 CP every 2 hours (pro-rated for less time)
  • 16 leaf every hour (pro-rated for less time)
  • You can choose to “trade-in” 3 CP worth (6 hours) of kitchen labor for a free event ticket, but you need to arrange this with me before game
