Rumors of Early Fall, 817

  • Dyrus has been going around dipping his staff into every available ley line.
  • Yellow and black are in this season.
  • Scouts report that a massive battle was fought between umbral beings and earth elementals in the witchwood near Oak Harbor. The elementals were driven back.
  • The last person who tried to make an egg joke around Crow inexplicably fell to the floor unconscious.
  • The buzzing in the woods grows ever louder.
  • Flocard has been buying drinks for lots of merchants by the docks.
  • Nefarious deeds abound at the University.
  • Omoira and Florica have been seen whispering and giggling together.
  • Thales is looking to buy or trade for Milk Cap mushrooms.
  • Caius is planning to bake apple pie.
  • The owl comes only in the darkness, and the shade wraps her warm embrace around him.
  • Some Hania would like you to know that they are not your guardians.
  • Tess has been teaching Cookie to sing back-up vocals.
  • Sailors report that a ship made of fire attacked a cargo fleet.
  • Sweet dreams, Winston.
  • Some of the Aldenbergs are considering travelling to Kresa for a funeral.
  • The wood’s heart can be found.
  • Scott has been spending a lot of time with the Hania.
  • Colin is terrible at gambling. He lost to a Davenstern. Hopefully he isn’t a sore loser. He is pretty scary.
  • Maxamillian of the Silver Sabers has been having really rough nights.
  • Benedict hasn’t been around, but he wants stuff.
  • Rumor has it that Florica plans to propose to Federigo.
  • Roderago spends so much time at the University that people have started accidentally calling him Scribe.
  • Kael seems even more paranoid than normal.