Cheese Festival of Reverie!

Hello Friends and Neighbors!

It’s the Festival of Reverie again! While the WFTC was nice enough to organize it for us last year, we can’t expect that every year, so a few of us Dalers have organized our own, to bring a little taste of home to our far-flung outpost.

We’ll be kicking things off after lunch on Willowsday. There’ll be a cheese tasting, including at least the traditional Wensleydaler, some Fandlebrie, and if you’re adventurous, some Blue Aster cheese and some Goat’s Milkcap cheese that Blanche has been working on. Probably more! And you’re certainly welcome to bring some of your own too if you have something special you’d like to share.

We’re also going to have two contests, a drawing contest and a scavenger hunt. You can sign up for them after lunch, and the judge(s) will be back Aldersday morning to see how you did. Solo entries for the drawing contest and teams of two for the scavenger hunt. There will be prizes!

Hope to see you all there!

Karal Cooper