Fall 1 2016 Quotes

“Sven Olafson for council chair!”

A nightmare walks up to the fire circle
"No Ralkurian isn’t here, we don’t know where he is. He might have already gone to bed."
Nightmare: *hissing whisper “Where doesss he sssleeeeeeep?”

“Quintessential Flux was the best decision I ever made. Fuck healing.” - Lesovik


Signe: We’re calling them Blood Barbarians, or Bloodbarians for short!
Connell: That’s… not what I would have called them…

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Venia: I talked to Thales. We both got teary-eyed…
Taeo: Tell me everything


“Do not murder is the only law they have”

“Yeah, but what if I”

“STOP, whatever you are about to say will just prove them right”

Julian alchemysplaining to me my rune ritual


the entirety of Jake with the mimickweed tincture

“…I don’t know your life”

Rain starts dancing
Venia: Are you doing a Rain dance?
Omoira and Zeyana groan
Venia: Yes! I got a groan!

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“Mugs by Omoira: Bespoke Banditry, because we care! A homegrown business that really represents the best of what Oak Harbor has to offer.”


A nightmare walks up to the fire circle
“No Ralkurian isn’t here, we don’t know where he is. He might have already gone to bed.”
Nightmare: *hissing whisper “Where doesss he sssleeeeeeep?”

Omoira: I don’t know, he hasn’t invited me yet.
Nyth (at the same time): I’m not that creepy.

Also, when Venia Spoke with Dead Thales:
Omoira: “I ship it!” (while trying to make a heart with her one functional arm)

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Omoira to Alexei: "How do you feel about that?"
Alexei: "I’m indifferent."
Omoira: "Do you have any other settings?"
Jake and Alexei at the same time: “No!”

Ravenna: "Sleeping on that bench much be really uncomfortable and painful."
Alexei: “That’s the point.”

Alexei: So what would happen if someone drank one of those things?"
Fandeley (completely confused): "Why…what…it would be bad. Would you really want centuries worth of information forces into your brain all at once?"
Alexei: "Yes."
Fandeley: "It could destroy you!!!"
Alexei: “I volunteer, challenge accepted.”

Necromancer spirit looks at Venia and then Skriv
"Remember the times that necromancy has aided you."
Taeo starts dancing

I remembered two more that I really liked.

Sitting at a table with Ralkurian and Caiden, don’t remember the exact lines, but the context of the conversation was about killing, but not for coin/for hire.

Caiden: "Well, what do you call it then?"
Alexei: “Personal satisfaction.”

During that same conversation, Jean comes over to sit down next to me.

Caiden (to Alexei): “Do you even Dream, or when you go to sleep is it just nightmares all the time? Seriously, it’s like a thunderstorm sitting next to a rainbow.”

Dyrus comments to Omoira about dubious acts with her Mother…
Omoira quickly stands and slams her palms on the table and forcefully exclaims, “I will gut you and use your intestines as suspenders!”


I wish so much I had seen this.

Which ended up with Omoira teaching Briar, the tiny Stitcher of Evren, all sorts of threats that don’t rely on bad language. I AM A GODDAMN ROLE-MODEL.