Hi All,
Once again we’re looking for volunteers in advance of the game to help with the kitchen. A lot of times the same few people end up doing most of the work, and we would like to avoid that. If you would like to take one or more shifts, please add your name to this spreadsheet . Staff will do our best to make sure that plot targeting you does not go out during times where you volunteer as long as we know in advance.
Note: You get 1 CP or 10 leaf per hour working in the kitchen!
During setup (5:30 ish until the work is done or the game on meeting): 2 volunteers (prep work and dishes)
Throughout the day: 2 volunteers (checking snack availability with ashleigh and making sure snacks are stocked)
7:30 - 9:00: 2 volunteers (cooking, setup, and a bit of serving)
9:00 - 10:00ish: 2 Volunteers (serving and cleanup)
10:00ish until it’s finished: 2 Volunteers (breakfast dishes)
11:30ish - 1:00: 2 volunteers (cooking and setup) (the exact start time depends on how much prep was able to happen on Friday)
12:00: 1 volunteer (inter-meal dishes)
1:00 - 2:00ish: 2 volunteers (serving and cleanup)
2:00ish until it’s finished: 2 Volunteers (lunch dishes)
4:30: 1 volunteer (inter-meal dishes)
5:00 - 6:30: 2 volunteers (cooking and setup)
6:30 - 7:30ish: 2 volunteers (serving and cleanup)
7:30 until it’s finished: 2 Volunteers (dinner dishes)
7:30ish - 9:00: 2 volunteers (cooking, setup, and a bit of serving)
9:00 - 10:15ish: 2 volunteers (serving, then packing up food)
10:00ish - Whenever it’s done: 2 Volunteers (packing up food and all breakfast dishes)