Hellcat Jive cast swap

Lost Eidolons: Hellcat Jive is a dieselpunk LARP with noir sensibilities and eldritch undercurrents. They run in Dublin, NH. Please visit www.hellcatjive.com for more information.

Witchwood players can get up to 2 WW CP for staffing a Hellcat Jive event.

Hellcat Jive players can get up to 3 Hellcat Jive CP for staffing a WW event.

Hello Witchwood players! :smiley:

Lost Eidolons: Hellcat Jive is putting out a public casting call for prospective NPCs to help out at its second campaign event, to take place October 5-7, 2018 at Camp Wa Klo in Dublin, NH. Hellcat Jive is a dieselpunk L.A.R.P. with noir sensibilities and eldritch undercurrents, set in a world of two-fisted pulp action, moral ambiguity, and occult mystery. Our NPCs are fed for free all weekend. If you are interested in NPCing for any length of time, please reach out to staff [at] hellcatjive [dot] com, and we will get you the information you need to get set up! Thanks so much!

-Lin, on behalf of Hellcat Jive Staff

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