Information on Advanced Fighting Techniques

For those of you trying to get better at fighting: Here’s a list of things you can learn, handed to me by a guy who’s been helpful to me in my training as a fighter here in Oak Harbor. I pretty much trust him to know what’s what. I’ve starred all the things I know and can talk about to folks who are interested at the next gathering, and would encourage others with different skills to chime in as well. Drop me a line (here or via a messenger ((oog: email or ping Haley B-E on facebook))) if you’re thinking about learning something in particular so I can start thinking about what might make good lessons.

As a note, for those of you who are only starting out on learning soldiering or swashbucklery, you will need to reach at least a True level in an area before you can learn any of the advanced techniques in that area. I’m happy to help out with swashbuckling, but am probably not the best person to talk to about running around in heavy armor or that kind of thing.

As always, militia muster will be held just past the 10th hour on Willowsday of next gathering (probably up at the forge, unless we have surprise sparring partners at the bottom of the hill again - thanks, nightmares!) and is a great place to learn about all kinds of ways to stab, bludgeon, and/or light your enemies on fire. And get paid for doing so!

  • Signe Rask, Vigorforged
    Captain, Oak Harbor Militia

((a second sheet of paper, in a much neater hand, is tacked up underneath))

Soldier training:

  • Carnage: Twice the cleaving, when you’re gripping a weapon with both hands. You need to have an iron grip.
  • Iron Stance: Plant your feet to be warded against gust, trip, and repel.
  • Unbreakable: Take a maim or wither as damage, if the limb has armor on it. You need to be an expert with armor.
  • Finishing Blow: Twice the slaying, but only against someone who’s just bee tripped. Takes a couple of gatherings to learn.
  • Butchery: Use cleaving to slay, and slaying to cleave. Can’t be an armor expert. Takes a couple of gatherings to learn.

Swashbuckler training:

  • Improved Agility(*): More agile, but you can’t wear heavy armor or helmets.
  • Greater Agility(*): Even more agile, but you can’t wear any armor, or use a large shield, or use magic armor.
  • Riposte(*): Twice the slaying, but only against someone you just blocked or parried. Takes a couple gatherings to learn. Give up either double maims or double parries.
  • Fleetfoot: Can parry root and gust spells. Give up either double maims or double parries.
  • Tenacious Skill :Can resist weakness spells by using any swashbuckling skill. Give up either double maims or double parries.
  • Single Weapon Mastery: Commit to a single weapon only. Can learn one more thing without giving up double maims or double parries.

Coordinated Fighting:

  • Share Parry: Parry for your teammates. You need to train together.
  • Share Attacks: Trip, disarm, maim, or cleave for your teammates. You need to train together.
  • Share Slay: Slay for your teammates. You need to train together.


  • Extra Vitality(*): Be tougher. You need to already be maximally tough.
  • Large Thrown Weapon: Throw big weapons, like javelins.
  • Thrown Slay: Use your slaying skills with a big throwing weapon.

(a bizarre series of pictographs indicating a dog in heavy armor and a mortarboard lecturing several small stick figures)