Oak Harbor Mystics Guild Services


We here at the Oak Harbor Mystics Guild have noticed that there are many people looking for information. We here at the guild want you all to know we are willing to sell our services to help you out. The two ways we have to do this are Speak with Dead, where we reach out to a specific spirit in Umbra to get detailed information on a subject, and Spirit Network, where we reach out to a collection of Spirits which won’t give us as much detail but can get us information we don’t current have a spirit to go to for. Of note we have experts on Firmament and Reverie out in Umbra we have good relationships with.

For the work we need to put into getting detailed information, we are currently selling Speak with Dead at 2 Leaf per hour of work.

For personal use, we are selling Spirit Network for 3 leaf per hour of work.

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