At its winter meeting a few weeks ago, the RFR Board discussed and has now finalized an organization-wide covid policy for this larp season. You can view the full policy in document form, and also below. Note that the kitchen policy has not been changed since the fall, but may be updated at a later time.
Red Feather Roleplaying Health Policies
Set by the RFR Board of Directors, spring 2024
These policies are the minimum standard set by the Board for all RFR events. Individual game staffs may choose to implement additional policies on top of these.
We are open to feedback about how these policies work in practice, and will be soliciting community feedback again to revisit them and revise if needed in summer 2024.
Covid Policy
This policy is intended to lower the risk of spreading airborne illnesses, and while we can’t eliminate that chance entirely, every precaution we take reduces risk. The Board has done its best to balance the risks to our community members, especially those of us who are immune compromised or otherwise at higher risk, with the game experience and enjoyment of all attendees.
All attendees, players and staff, must be up to date with covid vaccination, by the CDC definition, to attend events. Because availability and scheduling may make obtaining boosters that are released just before an event difficult, any booster released within three months of an event is not required for that event. Because physical vaccination cards are no longer being updated, and digital state tracking systems are inconsistently updated, we don’t have a way to consistently verify vaccination status, so vaccination is on the honor system.
Rapid testing and masking
We chose to aim for a risk threshold of a 0.027% chance of getting Covid for attending an event unmasked (How did we choose that threshold?)
We used the microCOVID tool (what is that?) to calculate what levels of community (via wastewater levels) and individual (via rapid testing before events) risk for Covid would lead to an event that stayed under that threshold (270 microCOVIDs).
We examined past trends in wastewater data and case rates to set a wastewater data threshold below which attendees can unmask after two negative rapid tests (336 copies/mL in the MWRA North System Wastewater tracker). (How did we calculate this number?) If wastewater concentrations exceed 336 copies/mL, masks will be mandatory indoors except while actively eating or drinking or in player cabins to sleep. Wastewater levels will be checked by game staff the Monday before an event to set the policy for that event (to allow time for people to test twice if needed).
What all this means:
- Regardless of wastewater levels, all attendees, players and staff, should rapid test for Covid within 24 hours before game on.
- If wastewater levels are below 336 copies/mL and you wish to be unmasked indoors, you should also rapid test approximately 72-48 hours before game on (for a total of 2 sequential tests, 48 hours apart).
- If wastewater levels are above 336 copies/mL, masking is required indoors as outlined below.
- Photos of your negative test(s) should be sent to Matt at before the event.
When masking is required (either because of insufficient testing or high wastewater levels), you should be wearing a mask at all times in all public buildings, including staff center, the tavern, mod halls, and the bathrooms. However, regardless of tests taken and wastewater levels, masking is not required while eating, sleeping, or outdoors. Masks are always required in the kitchen. Masks must be KN95 or better. If you don’t have one with you, staff will have enough to share. A limited number of rapid tests will be available on site if acquiring a test presents a financial hardship.
Both indoor and outdoor dining space will be available at all games. For attendees who do not meet the indoor unmasking testing requirement, masks may only be removed while actively eating indoors, and should still be worn before and after the meal.
Sickness and Cancellation
If you are feeling sick or have symptoms of sickness and believe you may still be contagious, please stay home from the event. If you have recently been sick and are likely to still be contagious, please stay home from the event. If someone in your household is currently sick with covid, the flu, or other serious transmissible illness, even if you are not currently sick, please stay home from the event. We appreciate you and your help in keeping our community well.
Before arriving on site, you may contact staff at any time and inform them that you cannot make it because of sickness. This includes in the time leading up to the event and during the event itself. You may receive a full refund. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to choose to stay home if you are feeling unwell.
Masks (KN95 or better) are required in the kitchen at all times. That includes passing through or just stepping inside for a moment.
Gloves must be worn in the kitchen when handling ready to eat food, doing food prep, or serving food and they must be disposed of between tasks. Gloves are not a replacement for handwashing and hands should still be washed between tasks and any time gloves are removed. Gloves should only go on clean and recently washed hands. Gloves must be changed if you are switching projects, touch your face, hair or any unwashed surface, if they become dirty, or if you are leaving a prep station.
Proper handwashing technique should be observed at all times inside the kitchen. Use warm water, fully lather hands with soap, scrub hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds, be sure to scrub up to mid forearm and clean under nails and backs of hands. Dry hands thoroughly with a single-use disposable paper towel, and use that towel to turn off the tap. Hand sanitizer is NOT an appropriate substitute for proper handwashing due to its inefficiency in eliminating notable food borne illnesses such as norovirus.
Surfaces should be scrubbed with hot soapy water and wiped down with a clean rag before a prep task begins and immediately after a prep task is finished to prevent cross contamination and the spread of any harmful bacteria.
If you have been sick within the 7 days preceding an event, you will not be allowed to volunteer in the kitchen during the event. Please let us know as soon as possible so we can find a replacement.