Rumors of Early Fall, 822

  • Zevvi is courting a Davenstern.
  • The spriggans haven’t been this angry in a long time.
  • Florica is grumpy at Colin because he looked better in one of her dresses better than she does.
  • The heart of any true artist can be found in their works of art.
  • The trouble with the gates right now is because the Gatekeepers are mad at each other over something involving an argument at the last Gatekeepers’ board meeting.
  • Erris has weird green dirt lodged under her fingernails.
  • Some of the Refugees are starting to move on again.
  • The Velliar kicked Kael out of the library.
  • There are no alchemists in town, the oath is a cover for the fact that they’re all just really good merchants.
  • The nightmares in Aethis have decreased in number dramatically.
  • Shane is actually an apple lyra. It just takes some hunting to find his mark.
  • The number of giant animals in the area has increased. Snails, bats, all sorts of things…
  • The Sarto have cut back on shipping supplies from Monia to Salendale.
  • The grindelow are learning to paint.
  • Zevvi has decided to become a Felicitoro.
  • No one likes a Cheese Thief. Awful manners, questionable consequences.
  • There has been a spree of petty theft of shawls and handkerchiefs.
  • Exposition is trying to become an Emissary.
  • If you’ve got troubles with the Consignment Guild, the Jade Dragon can help better than the Constable will.
  • The trouble in Salendale is basically under control now, so there’s no need to send supplies.
  • Kael is working on something and claims its a “Light Sensitive Alchemy Experiment.”
  • The Ternacenti, Kalmak, and Lothlan are all considering taking over Aethis, now that the Romanza abandoned it.
  • The gatekeepers’ board meeting happens at a table made of heartwood and trellis bark.
  • The Peleset are considering establishing Sahren as a new center for shipbuilding.
  • Durand left town, unable to face his upcoming alchemy master’s test.
  • Lesovik isn’t the only one who talks to the trees.
  • Dragons are very trendy, though there is a dispute about whether green or purple is cooler.
  • Porkchop befriended a baby giant spider and they are now best buddies.
  • It can be harder than expected to follow the money.
  • With a name like Oak Harbor, we should really be producing wine and whiskey.
  • Being a courier needs to come with more hazard pay.
  • Some of the Refugees have found permanent housing finally.
  • Gatekeepers throw terrible parties
  • Kael’s new look: Threat or menace?
  • Art theft is really just a form of performance art
  • Durand is really, really excited for some reason
  • There has been a significant uptick in plant related injuries lately
  • Why do people keep saying Treasure like it’s a bad thing?
  • Purchase new Petulen-Growth brand fertilizer! For all your plant growing needs
  • Bossus Sarto isn’t an example of nominative determinism. He named himself that after he got himself in charge of something.
  • Dame Eleanora has a lot to say about boats
  • Strigford has not been sleeping very well lately
  • The Shackled Shades don’t kill you, but they miss with your spirit.
  • If the Sarto are full of Voidmancers, how do we know we can trust the rest of the Felicitoro?
  • If the University in Salendale was full of Voidmancers, how do we know we can trust the rest of the Velliar?
  • Davenstern neutrality on the issue of Salendale means they have sided with the Necromancers
  • Who are the new Agni Lana in the woods? Did one of the Hania groups move back this way?
  • Davenstern neutrality on the issue of Salendale means they have sided with the Velliar
  • Tan Monos? That sounds really familiar
  • Fortunately for the Hurzicht, hats are really in this season
  • Salendale is where all the cool murderhobos are going this fall.
  • Apparently the White Forest Trading Company has some sort of new flag policy. I hate the flag policy.
  • A ship, a ship, my city for a ship. Well, a lot of ships really
  • Wizards are really into triangles these days