Rumors of Early Fall, 824

  • Caravans traveling between Juldan and Luvik have been getting lost in heavy fog and never returning.
  • Grandmother Shrub is a Partner in the White Forest Trading Company. The “White Forest” name comes from her hair.
  • When the Whisperblades mercenary group tried to join the forces heading from Xiem to Rensul, they were sent away for being weaklings.
  • Stabby Bitey Man isn’t an Oak Harbor local
  • The Witchwood is filled with whispers of darkness.
  • Tour Oak Harbor, site of Evren’s largest pile of spent elixir bottles!
  • Caius has been sleeping like a rock
  • All the Emissaries now have bodyguards. But who is guarding the guards?
  • Öykü is the obvious choice for Banner-bearer.
  • The green gates around Asola have been joined by yellow ones.
  • Lesovik can now make paper by shaving off bits of his own bark-skin.
  • Gheist is the obvious choice for bear-banner.
  • Leopold is thinking of proposing to Tanar Guirana so that the Petulengros have broader university influence.
  • Word has spread about The Battle at Puffs Peak and mercenaries have been on the hunt for this sentient mushroom ‘Puff’
  • I heard a weird song on the bridge to Vigor.
  • The Whisperblades are pretty annoyed at the person spreading rumors about them. But surely they aren’t competent enough to take revenge. Right?
  • Check your pockets - people seem to be missing many trinkets and such these days.
  • Isn’t Mar a little short to be a Guardian?
  • Sometimes it is difficult to tell performance from reality.
  • Noran, Noren, Norrin, Noron, and Norun walk into a bar. Neither Noren no anyone else ducks. They say ouch.
  • Amos is stabby, bitey man.
  • Alchemists have found a way to combine figs, mint, and reptiles but nobody knows what for.
  • Cartis Mann is the Jade Dragon
  • The gate fee is a lie.
  • Several local Dalers have gone missing lately.
  • Elessar won’t join the kith in Oak harbor because he’s too much of a fungi. No, seriously.
  • Dolan is turning over a new Leaf.
  • The fighting pit will be strictly for dance battles.
  • Time to make some feathered friends.
  • Kobolds have been seen sneaking out of various homes with leaf, shiny objects, and…left shoes? Most escaped into the woods.
  • The web is a trap that keeps the spider from leaving.
  • Velliar scholars recently uncovered an ancient language and the most interesting discovery therein is that “Kael” is an ancient word that roughly translates to “hoarder of secrets”
  • Signe is stabby, bitey man.
  • Grandmother Shrub isn’t mad, she’s just disappointed in you.
  • Talus knows what you did Enki.
  • There was a big fight in the Luvik harbor. Word is some ships were ships were heavily damaged.
  • The Great Apple Spirit is upset with Amos.
  • Massive corridors of flame in the forest.
  • At the rate the Oak Harbor graveyard is filling up, people low on spirit should consider making reservations if they want a stone there.
  • The alchemy guild stole its house plant.
  • The Witchwood is Evrish, so it likes to bring its wanderers together to meet.
  • Mar is short for Marmalade
  • A smith reported his whole stock of iron eaten.
  • Stabby, bitey man is HERE and READY TO MINGLE
  • Citizens of Oak Harbor have reported seeing a ‘dream garden’ that quickly disappears once focused on at the edge of the witchwood
  • Val has caught the attention of a Human Lothlan
  • Gheist got his name because he finds people to haunt. Malori is his latest target.
  • Local herders are upset about renewed attacks on their flocks by wolves.
  • The Great Animal Spirits have short tempers these days.
  • Herbert is the Jade Dragon
  • Spira is creating life that was not meant to be.
  • Strange yellow beings have been spotted offering pieces of themselves to passerby.
  • Sigurd has been elected vice president of the HOA and appointed to the town council. The HOA president must be feeling pretty nervous about keeping his position in the face of this rising political star.
  • SCREAM has made real inroads on our reputation.
  • The cheese cult’s rituals are just nonsense and definitely have no real effects.
  • Zaffiro miners can really drink!
  • Yorick wants Amos’ job so he can do all the crime.
  • Eleanora wants to defeat Treasure to become a dragon herself.
  • Animal names are the latest trend in Lothlan rykta.
  • A giant fire worm set the lumber yard on fire.
  • Does the Gatekeeper of Void look shorter lately?
  • Yorrick is a wizard. You can tell because he wears yellow.
  • Whoever stops the Puppet Master will be owed a great boon by the Witchwood.
  • Morpho is the Jade Dragon
  • Nem is challenging Scourge for the role of great (tavern) rat spirit.
  • There’s deep shit, and then there’s what Leopold is in.
  • I hope you don’t like corn. Two?? magmyriad set all the corn fields on fire.
  • That which is not sought is rarely found, unless it is undesired.
  • A kobold in a hat was seen darting into the woods with a painting
  • Puppet parts make good kindling.
  • Not everything that washes ashore should have left the sea.
  • Roderago plans to summon enough spirits to form a choir.
  • An old acquaintence approaches from the shadows.
  • Gheist is a cheese enthusiast
  • Librarians are complaining about cheesy smudges left on the recently borrowed scrolls.
  • Velikah uses loaded dice.
  • Puppets and Pirates and Shades, Oh My.
  • The Thing in the Mine is still lurking.
  • Shattered Puppets were found outside the Bergmonch’s mine.
  • Be careful who and what you follow through the woods. You may find what you’re looking for.
  • The Davenstern are recruiting Enki to put Yorick in his place.
  • Mo is tryin to collect magical body parts to turn himself into a golem super soldier.
  • Dolan is producing scrolls of Good Luck to ensure the house always wins at gambling.
  • Hopefully someone runs a talk at the next Symposium on how to distinguish different serpents from one another.
  • Someone tried to rob the Kiths’ while they were at Jubilee, but got caught.
  • Don’t believe what they told you, the bushes do bite.
  • The wizards and Velliar are weirdly into rocks these days
  • The real Treasure was the enemies we found along the way
  • Hats are clearly in style, more and more townsfolk are wearing them every day
  • Games should be played to the death, it’s only sporting
  • Velikah is particularly effective with bone dice, if you want to win, you should switch to a different material
  • Gatekeepers tend to be really chatty, if you can get them talking
  • The Gold Acorn are attempting to replace Ficus with a different houseplant