Rumors of Fall 1, 2016

  • Grindylow with bows in their head-kelp have been attacking some of the boats on the blockade.
  • The Aldenbergs like everyone, big and small.
  • Someone’s been sneaking around the docks at night.
  • Balthazar is still in the Witchwood, you just can’t see him.
  • Fela has been spending a lot of time playing with skulls.
  • The Aldenbergs have been making a lot of visits to the lumber camps.
  • Omoira has learned to turn invisible in the shadows.
  • The grindylow no longer answer to a grindleking but a QUEEN.
  • Signe has been twitchy and quick to draw weapons lately.
  • The Aldenbergs have been being very friendly with the White Forest Trading Company.
  • Copperstaff has been called to answer a Question.
  • Gates have been opening directly between Umbra and Evren, and they aren’t on the Bridge.
  • Taeo’s spriggan obsession has reached new heights.
  • Strange runes have been inscribed on the docks and all the Peleset say they’re bad luck.
  • The blockaders have been summoning a great sea monster to use against Oak Harbor.
  • The shadows have eyes. And teeth.
  • One of the ships has a Ternacenti prisoner on board–and they wear a ring on their index finger.
  • There is a mad poisoner about, hitting town and invaders both.
  • Caius has been buying up all the citrine.
  • The learner seeks to go back to the sunken ship.
  • An old friend is about to return.