Rumors of late Spring, 819

  • The tide brings in an old friend.
  • Zevvi has been seen helping local orphans.
  • One of the Senior Partners is looking for a really big omelette.
  • A lot of Fandalee have been gathering around town for some sort of festival.
  • The Aldenbergs have been providing security to local workers to prevent people from going missing.
  • The Davenstern collecting his inheritance was robbed going down river and needs just 20 more leaf to replace his supplies. You will be compensated, of course.
  • Ducks have been flocking to Oak Harbor in unheard of numbers. Some of them have been stitched together with horses…
  • The Tea House may need to be renamed, given how few of their drinks are tea…
  • Wildfires have been spreading around Saragosa.
  • An egg will be missing from the ash.
  • Beware of herbalists looking for hydra eggs.
  • Leopold has been staring hungrily at the other wizards.
  • The lizard tracks in the woods are getting larger.
  • Unscrupulous dancers wanted deep in the woods.
  • There are somewhat fewer shackled-shades about.
  • Shane has been publicly challenging the Cult of the Golden Acorn.
  • Toothy toddlers become cavity kids.
  • Zevvi protects babies from people like Bianca.
  • Basil and Spira seem to be trying to talk to the big evergreen on top of the hill.
  • Spider ranching may be going a bit too well…
  • Kael spends so much time in the library that she’s finally thinking of joining the Velliar to be able to open the gate herself.
  • Colin is the new bouncer for the alchemy guild.