Save the Date: OOG Hangout 7/21

Hi All,

In the pre-Covid era, we often did out of game hangouts in the summer. We have decided to bring that back.

To that end, we have reserved Pavilion 2 in the Wendell State Forest on Sunday, July 21st.

More details will be released in the not too distant future but expect potluck food.

Hope to see you there,


Here is more information about the event.

The park is open from sunrise to sunset. The main website says the picnic area is open from 9 AM - 5 PM but the reservations states it’s from 9 AM - 4 PM. Given the location is in the center of the state, we don’t want to start too early. Given this, the official hangout will be from 11 AM - 3:30 PM, leaving half an hour for cleanup. People are of course welcome to show up outside of those hours.

The staff are planning on having a few activities including bringing some supplies for an OOG/Meta Art Salon. Feel free to bring things for activities that you would like to do.

Kids, spouses, partners, friends who haven’t played (yet) are all welcome. If they aren’t filling this out on their own, indicate that you are bringing additional people. If you want to bring more than one thing for the potluck, please fill out this poll multiple times.

I made a form for RSVPing and signups for the potluck. It is available here.

Please respond to the form ASAP if you intend to come to the hangout and indicate whether you intend to bring something for the Potluck and what you intend to bring. You can view what others have already signed up to bring by viewing the responses which are linked in a spreadsheet from the form.